Tuesday, May 28, 2013

To New Beginnings!

To New Beginnings!

It's that time of year again.  The time of year when school winds down, when teachers look back on the year and think of all that went right (and all that went wrong).  The time of year when teachers, with newfound time, revisit pinterest and ooh and ahh over all the wonderful things they can accomplish next year, setting new goals to have more fun next year, get more creative, and have a more efficient, awesome classroom.  No judgment here, that's exactly what I'm doing. 

I am down to two half-days of school left (plus one teacher's workday).  Excitement has reached a new high!  I am full of ideas, full of energy, and full of love for these kids.  Won't you join me as I begin my summer break with a goal of making the next school year even better, even funner (LOL), and even more efficient? 

I can't wait to share....

**M. Evans